
Frequently Asked Questions

Get more online reviews with ReviewTrigger

Find the answer here or contact us.

ReviewTrigger is the smart, high-converting review collection platform that makes it easy for customers to leave you 5-star reviews.

Yes! ReviewTrigger has a higher review conversion rate, catches negative reviews before they are posted online, has device detection (huge conversion advantage), integrates with other tools, can resend requests to un-engaged customers and issues significantly more review requests than a booking software’s automated email function.

The review funnel was developed specifically to catch negative reviews before they are posted online. Happy customers are driven to review sites where they can leave their positive feedback, while unhappy customers are directed to a private feedback form.This feedback form is a private communication between you and the customers that a) gives you an opportunity to respond and try to earn back their business, and b) . In addition, it gives you priceless information about what business or staff adjustments you need to make to continue to exceed expectations.

Absolutely – automation is a foundation of our business and we can plug ReviewTrigger into dozens of software products to ensure a seamless partnership. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss your individual integration needs.

Only 24% of business owners say they employ a tested review strategy that works well. That means that implementing a successful strategy can give you a huge competitive edge. But what’s even better is we conduct a free strategy discussion with every new client so that we can understand your business and suggest ways to optimize use of our product. Basically, we want you to succeed, and we take steps to make sure it happens.

We do offer a reseller program with both a white label and non-white label options. Resellers get a higher percentage (30%) of the subscriptions they sign up compared to our affiliates, but they also have to handle all setup and support processes for their customers.

Contact our team today and we can help you get set up with multiple locations!

Review Trigger is meant for local businesses and brands. But there are other great tools out there for Amazon reviews that plug directly into Amazon and shipping fulfillment Accounts.

Our Standard plan is $69 per month, which includes everything (unlimited texts, a personalized dashboard, ReviewStream…. EVERYTHING). We also have a lite plan which includes all the features except SMS texted review requests. So if you are using another software (an appointment reminder software, for example) that includes SMS texting, feel free to use our lite plan and point those review text messages to our review pages.

You don’t: we set up the platform for you. But your dashboard is yours to personalize – once it’s set up to get you started, you have the option to personalize just about everything. We setup and personalize your dashboard for you and then you can change any of the content you want.

That’s okay (we’ve all been there): you can reach out to ReviewTrigger Support at any time to retrieve login information.

Integrating platforms is as much an art as it is a science: we can find ways to work with your company and its software to ensure the Platform is a seamless fit for you. So let’s talk: please feel free to contact us to work out the details of integrating with your particular software.

It’s okay to get a negative review every once in a while. In fact, research shows that it might actually help: a varied range of reviews can lend legitimacy to those reviews that are sincerely positive. BUT! Never fear: the ReviewTrigger platform is here to make your 5-star reviews shine out above the rest. When unhappy customers come onto the review site they’ll be asked if their experience was positive or negative. Negative reviewers will get sent to a private feedback form where they can discuss their grievances with you individually – they will NOT be sent to review sites. So don’t worry: those unhappy customers will be handled quickly and promptly – but definitely not publicly.

There are a number of cool things we can do to establish your customer list on ReviewTrigger. We can connect to other platforms your using like Zapier, or we can simply upload a CSV with customer information for the day and week (we’ve got a few other tricks up our sleeves, too – feel free to reach out to discuss which method might work best for you).

No worries – that happens! Send us a message in the bottom right-hand text box on your dashboard (it’s blue) and we’ll reset your password for you.

Yes, we can send text messages from most US area codes, as well as Canada, Australia and the UK.

Yes we have agency plans, and yes, you can white label ReviewTrigger. Please contact us directly so that we can set up a call to talk through some options (we want to find the solution that works best for you).

Ready to take your reviews to the next level?